

What was
I'm not a good person at all,
I manipulate people as I stall;
All of the people , they would fall
But surely if never, I stand tall;

I am not a good person not at all,
But I knew that one day, I shall fall;
Ponder into what has become,
Looking for a place to always be welcomed.

I was once a terrible sight,
If you were easy, I won't think twice;
But is it worth it, I always ask
Still I finish the started task.

I want to change, change my way,
Get rid of the shackles that causes me to sway;
There I die, nothing given,
I will one day leave, never forgiven

What was me, before I was,
I shall change, I know I must;
It make take days, months or years,
Atleast I'm trying.. atleast I am.
© -iAmSentimental