

Little lost
I'm a little lost,
Searching the way to home, I'm too lost
The thoughts of mine, till the nine
I'm all alone with darkness around
The clouds are roaring,
The trees are talking,
My thoughts are running,
And It's all dark and dark.
In the pitch black, hallucinations
I'm too scared, none to help this time.
Wish it's a nightmare, I can wake up this morning.
Drowned and drowning too deep,
Shouting and tears flowing , I weep.
The morning goes and says the night hello!
Lost everything but just left with nothing,
Passerbys goes along their way,
The best place solace still searching the path,
May passed but again goes to April.
This past that hurts by the way,
Redeeming or just my bad fate?
Now I'm closing these eyes for today,
Letting all worries freeze for a while.

© RR
(BG credits: Saatchi art)
#lyrics #littlelost #helplessness #situationsthatdragyoudown #wakeupthisdayitsmust