

And only in my solitude,

I attempt to know myself,

And only in recognition of my fortitude,

Did I allow myself peace,

To reconcile with what was,

And allow what will be,

I feel the air on my skin,

The wind in my soul.

The thunder and the rain.

The fear and the pain.

I feel the cold deep in my bones,

Meaningless notifications on phones,

Meaningless skills I meaninglessly hone,

The crimson of my skin,

The flush of my cheek,

Laughter an assault to the serenity,

Of the quiet,

That has now become a part of me,

Hearts made of stone,

Emotions become a tomb,

I am a child of autumn,

Of day and light,

Yet part of me loves the night,

Stars that shine as bright

As a childs forgotten dreams,

Lost in epiphanies,

Of what was and what could be,

What is and what will be,

© Aubrin