

In the depths of struggle, on this battlefield of life,
A war rages within, a never-ending strife.
Addiction, a relentless foe, my demons I must face,
Determined to find my peace, to find my rightful place.

I fight through the darkness, with every ounce of strength might,
In this battle against cravings, that persist day and night.
For the enemy is strong, whispers tempting in my ear,
But I refuse to succumb, I won't let my spirit disappear.

Through valleys of despair, I stumble, and I fall,
But rising from the ashes, I stand tall, standing tall.
With each step forward, I feel the weight slowly fade,
As I break free from these chains, the addiction I've betrayed.

But the war still rages on, the battle not yet won,
Every day is a struggle, every sunset a new dawn.
Yet I remain steadfast, in this fight for liberation,
For I carry the hope of triumph, the power of determination.

With unwavering resolve, in my heart beats a fire,
A burning desire to conquer this addiction, to never tire.
No longer a prisoner, I refuse to be defined,
By the shackles of temptation, that once confined.

So I march on, through this battlefield of the mind,
Armored with resilience, leaving the past behind.
Warrior of my own destiny, I reclaim my throne,
Embracing a future where strength and freedom have grown.

In this epic saga of struggle and strife,
I find solace in knowing, I've chosen the right life.
For the battle may be endless, but I am stronger than before,
A survivor, a warrior, forever transformed, forever more.

© Francisco Puentes