

It's getting darker!
As bright as the sun shines
But I still can't shine
As bright as the moon brightens
It still feels dark
Where am I?
Moving from one point to another,
Seeking peace

With no luck.
Day by day,
Nights come and pass,
But it all still feels the same.

Do I perhaps deserve all this?
Haven't I went through enough already?
When is my time coming?
Is it even gonna come?
I doubt.

Hard as it is, I smile.
Well, I.. Try
I mean, I have to.
I have to, right?
We hide it all to cover it all to fool our enemies,
That's the rule of life,
Or your rule.

Smile, Smile And Smile,
Never allow them to see your pain,
Fake it till you make it,
That's what we are told to do.
But, truth is..
They are always updated.
The only fool trying to fool the fools is you.
That's just how it is.

And I am tired,
Bit by bit,
I am throwing in the towel,
Not by my will,
But one can never oppose to what destiny has prepared,
Can you?
Because I can't!
© Thato Mangwegape