

sense of life

Does it really make sense?
Today is always today
Tomorrow never comes,how will the future?
If meant for us, why different ways it comes...
Like seeds thrown by blinds
Some land in arid land
Some in arable land, so do we

Day after day, some long for the best of it
Others like silver platter, life flows
Maybe there's another world somewhere, far from this
Where people see people for people
Where peace is not a hint but a habit

Life, such a beautiful thing surrounded by ugly kinds
People full of hatred
Celebrations of others' fall
The rejoice in others' pain

I wonder How'd you be life
If all were living up the cliffs
Some wouldn't hesitate pushing others down
Just to occupy thy spaces
That the saddest truth of its kind
You are bittersweet candy
Having you in mouth, confusion
I hesitate to swallow
And certainly I can't spit you out
Life, ohhh life

© Arcane