

In the quiet realm where sorrows flow,
Silent tales through teardrops show.
A language of the heart, unspoken,
In every tear, a story awoken.

Crystal rivers on cheeks descend,
Emotions woven, a journey to mend.
Each droplet a whisper, a subtle plea,
Expressing depths, profound and free.

Glistening pearls of joy or woe,
Reflecting the soul's ebb and flow.
A symphony of tears, a poignant art,
A canvas painted from the heart.

From laughter's dance to sorrow's song,
Tears narrate where words go wrong.
In their embrace, emotions unfurl,
A testament to the human swirl.

So, let tears fall, like gentle rain,
Washing away both joy and pain.
For in their shimmer, we find release,
A timeless solace, a heart's sweet peace.

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