

The sky seems to be lit up these days.
I wondered why.
I looked up at you waving at me, the kind of a smile, I never saw you wear.
I look back at our memories fondly and realize how happy you were.
Was it a deception of a hollow world you held at its brink?
Did the poison taste as sweet and bitter as you drink?
I hope the stars are treating you right,
I hope the peace you were in search of is finally found.

Life is so full of shadows that I forgot that some people were forced to prefer darkness.
Death wasn't kind enough for a goodbye.
But you are in every space of my poems, the books you gifted me with petals of your scent lingered in it.
You are part of me til I breathe and when I leave you are immortal in every word of my poetry.
So, you know you will always be humming tunes for me just like you promised.

© chayansays...