

Elements of elementary
Sour gummy worm
On hot pavement
It wasn't a 5 second roll
But it sure was tasty

Absolutely 0 fucks
Flying around my 5 year old brain
Eat some dirt
Bathe in insulation

Pokémon cards
Were a heady trade
I got schooled
They got rare foil cards
All I wanted was squirtle
& charmander

4 square queen
Calling you over
Red rover
Red rover
Hunting for 4 leaf

Mini sips
& dunkaroos
Jaw breakers
Ring pops
& finger wrapped
Fruit roll ups

Sears catologue
Walkman on bust
Gazing out
The bus window

Light up shoes
Pig tails
& butterfly clips

Osh kosh overalls
Mood rings
& field trips

Silly putty
Mr. Potato head
& crazy carpet
Adrenaline rips

Living large
Til the street lights turned on
Eyelids heavy
Dragging home the wagon

Tucked in
Nightlight aglow
Rubbing my pj's together
For the firework show

Slipping into
A colorful dream state
Feeling peaceful
It had been
A good day