

Is it not lovely?
Isn't it lovely
That we are called a child of God?
Isn't lovely
That You are child of a king?
Oh, isn't all so lovely?

We are all those things,
But when we look at ourselves
We don't like the good traits
That make us, us.
Oh, that isn't lovely...

Isn't it lovely
That God loves us,
For who we are,
For we are created in His image
Oh, its all lovely

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Please put in the comments if the whole peom or the phrase "isn't it lovely" makes no sense in the peom. Thanks.

I just wanted to put this out as a reminder for all of you and me that when we say I am ugly, or I hate this about me, you are actually saying God is those things because we are created in His image. We all need to look at the good in ourselves not the bad. God bless you y'all. Have a great day!