

The sound

Music is started as a sound in the background.

It's keeps on playing right round.

Night,day, any type of day.

All you have to do is press play.

It tells a story that anyone could relate.

So you don’t have to worry or debate.

It was as if it knows your struggles, your pain.

It doesn’t judge so you have nothing to lose, only to gain.

In reality, you would have worry fill the days,

You need something that says;

“I’m with you through the good and bad days”.

It release you from sorrow and pain,

So you don’t have to leave it in vain.

Therapy is what it can be,

It will help you and me.

Depression,anxiety, it can calm.

So you can use it like a balm.

It calms your body down to the last nerve.

So, be happy just like you deserve.

It slows down your heart rate, so you can breathe better.

And continue to be a go-getter.

There is a story that need to be told,

A secret that one hold.

A secret that no one knew.

But now it will be undo.

A story about a girl who need to be consoled.

And music is what help her to do so.

Hopefully this will not blow.

For a girl who have depression and anxiety, music help.

So she doesn’t need to yelp.

It drove her away from the thoughts that she had.

She’s alive, well, and glad.

Before it, she was alone and scared.

Thought somebody knew but nobody cared.

 She may be smiling on the outside.

But she was dying on the inside.

She cried when she was alone.

This is something she won't let be shown.

Her smile covers it,

Because it's something she doesn’t want to admit.

That girl loved the rain,

Because it hid her tears and pain.

Pain and loneliness is what she felt.

No one knew of what had she dealt.

Her past haunted her everyday,

No matter how hard she tried to stay away.

At times she couldn’t overcome it.

But it's something she had to commit.

She didn’t know how her life turned into this,

That cheerly six years old she had miss.

They say monsters live under our beds.

But in reality, it live inside our heads.

She had to fight with it every second,

Because it had beckoned.

Her head spins fast,

She doesn’t know how long it will last.

Her body starts to shake,

She wonders how long this would ache.

Her head hung low,

She has nowhere to go.

It's something she can't explain,

This mysterious pain.

Music understands her like nobody else can,

That is when her love for music began.

It helped her through and through.

That’s one of the reasons why she no longer feeling blue.

It ease the pain that she’s been having,

And recovers what she’s been lacking.

It connected to her well,

Happiness within her began to swell.

One by one, her scars begins to fade.

Never once again she had to turn to the blade.

That girl still love the rain,

Because it washes away the pain.

She has a better outlook in life.

Even though she is working on her strife.

She works hard to fight the monster that she had,

With the help of music, she was glad.

© butterfly2420