

About things we feel leftover, worthless!
In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like before

but if I tell you
that its a secret -
what you like& dislike!,
do and can't do !
is the perfect blend
i.e. moulded
for you in shades
to teach ,to reach
that kind of destiny
which is unique,like this
can only
flow through

So,next time
whey they defame you
try to put you down
for who you are
Take a deep breath
& let them be
whatever they want!

never feel because
of that leftover or
You have a different story!
different magic to attain mastery
& to vessel for that
You have to remain
in the geometry!

Look inside
to find that charm
& Don't
punish yourself
by pressurising to be
what you can't;
don't want soulfully,
what everybody
else are!
© beize bridge