

women are the most amazing creatures on Earth,
When they love,
They take care of you,
They love you whole heatedly,
Now that's a WOMAN.

They decide to carry you in their womb,
It's not easy,
Knowing how much pain,
You they will go through to get you out,
But nevertheless,
They still carry you.
They travel place to place with you,
Go to work with you,
Do housework with you,
Even though you are heavy.

When time reaches,
They put their life on the line for you,
And push you out,
Not caring what damage you will do to them,
Not caring that they have changed for ever,
Because they love you,
Now that's a woman's love.

But when we grow up,
Some forget that,
Forget their sacrifice,
Forget that you were there for them,
When it was cold,
When you defecated and urinated,
Some people forget all that, why.
Some are beaten by their husbands,
Some children know how to abuse them,
Some fools rape them,
Forgetting that a woman brought them to this world.
Respect any form of woman,
Because you were brought into this world by one.

Lamaru Janet
© Lamaru Janet