

My adventure

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds not even by the crows.

All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors.

Thousands of miles I've walked, to take the view of how life really is,

I was in daze as I see the whole world in an unforeseen etherism.

Now that I see what they don't
my heart wants to jump but scared to get shattered into pieces.

I see the whole world in panic
The game is becoming real- ridiculous!

The stars fade away and suddenly the future looks hopeless.

Everything looks like nothing as my inner bravery turns dumb and fearful .

I see the future imbued with sad scent. To whom should I share my pains and bewilderment?

Right now, it's that's the piece I'm missing in this puzzle called life........
© zaiyanass