

Shadowed Soul
Darkness Within
I'm swallowed by a void, a gaping hole
That seems to grow and consume my soul.
Each day, a weight, a heavy,
crushing load,
That drags me down, beneath the
earth's abode.
The world outside, a distant, faded hue,
A place I long to be,
but cannot do.
My mind is fogged, a tangled maze,
Where thoughts collide and spiral in a haze.
I'm trapped inside,
a prisoner of fear,
A silent scream, no one can hear.
The darkness creeps,
it's cold and icy touch,
Consuming me, I've had enough.
But hope, a flicker, a tiny, fragile spark,
Glows faintly,
amidst the endless dark.
I'll find a way to break free from
this chain,
To rise above, and feel
the sun again.

© skydesigns