

The Gallows
it's shallow
wading over in the gallows
I swept the ocean floor
and mopped the puddles
wiped my nose from the drips
put down the signs to avoid a tort in slips
took his ass to court
and went abort with these lips
or at least that's the piece that it should be
it would be good
If I stood and still could speak
but from my mouth
ain't heard a peak
not a drizzle pourn
all these cracks and still no leak
don't know wheres my book of hopes and dreams
lost like them apps I had on get rich schemes
they went bye bye
like where went my psychic friend
he wasn't even real
I couldn't feel so it was just pretend
he didn't have to forget me
but even the analog left me
back to communing in prose and poetry
but not what I was beckoned to write
I put down the pen
and threw all this bull into the fight
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