

The Musk Manifestation
Far beyond the nocturnal grooves....
where the wild- violets bloom..
..the lustrous gleaming waves glitter
hypnotisingly engulfing the moon.....
A mysterious odour...so ripe-alluring
amplifies...hallucinating her soul.
While the illuminated fireflies mate...
along a golden spiral path they rotate.
Her blossoms swell...pulsating with desire...
In the consuming darkness...
She burns,moans and transpire...
Swirling through the wildness...
an infinite fragrance tickles down her spines.
Spasmodically laughing, she senses...
masculine exhalations.....
...that impalpable immense in proximity aline.
Growing stronger stronger and vivid.
Craving a soft clasp....
...melodiously nears the whispers --------
Her quest for that Elemental fire disperse...
...attract and hallucinatingly stire.
Like an empyrean ladder...her desires surmount.
No painting... No canvas..
but only a huge muscular herculean mass.
Emitting radiance, flinging his perfume...
filling the nights with charm,
Nearing closer those hazel eyes...forearm
its only what her etheral soul craved.
Infinite love----- emotions so deep engraved.
Deep adorable in mystic splendor,
...... they indulged...
Ceasing her intensely bleeding womb confess
...his adaptations designed,...
only to maximize her reproductive success.
A psychological pull, so compelling... borne
........his odourants ...
....influencing her every hormone.
Her lavendery pulp.....
...catalysed his arousal into miles...
Picking responses....
...the body and mind reconciles.
Lingering pheromones...
...demonstrating their existence.
Her olfactory cues, finally quenches...
finding the genotype of her preferential selection.
Ends the journey... in search of her mate.
In elicit degrees of courtship....
..... intensity maximized,
shrinking under their arms...
..into a cocoon ------ reverse metamorphosised.
While every morsel thrilled...
...flowering each bud within.
Bursting into chuckles.....
...the virgin ruptured blushing...
Scarlet roses swing...
And the beaming sun dawning
..... While a few tear drops spill....
Under his wonderful wings ... She lays still...
Soli Deo Gloria !!!!!
What profound fertility the earth witnessed...
womanhood bloomed....
....moulded with Androstenol------ afresh...
With scintillating smell....
.....his musk manifests.....
With the choice of mate...ended the quest.
© SanghamitraDevi