

Just Keep Swimming
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝

Just keep swimming.
Just keep swimming.
Just keep swimming.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝

Ironic, that I keep repeating these words to myself, whispering to myself like a fool. I loved Finding Nemo. But I never learned to swim.

I am drowning, in this deep ocean of my emotions, not only because I never learned to swim, but because -like a fool- I did not think I would need to. After all,  it was my ocean; my own emotions. I thought I could swim to the shore. I forgot that I do not know how to swim.

Foolishness is a heavy burden;
it makes me sink.
You made me a fool.

Unintentionally, unwillingly. You did not even push me. You do not want me to drown. I see you, at the surface of all this blue, your concerned hazel eyes and your strong arms awaiting my cry for help. But-

I don't want out. I can't speak, least more water goes inside me, makes me sink deeper. If I come out, how can you say that I will not fall right back in?

You could keep saving me, while I beat myself over how sensitive I've become. I'm afraid that soon, I'll be flinching away from your touch.

I just want to learn
how to swim.
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