

Walking towards Infinity
A walk on a beach,
Both, on your bare feet,
So close and within reach,
A conversation brief but sweet,

"Endless blue, stretching far and wide, A canvas of waves where sea and sky reside,
Deep and mysterious, a world untold, Where secrets hide, and stories unfold.

The tides ebb and flow, a constant beat,A rhythm that calls, to the soul's retreat,
The salty scent, of sea and air,
Invigorates the senses, beyond compare.

Infinite horizons, where dreams are made,Where sun meets sea, in a fiery shade,
The ocean's roar, a lullaby sweet,As the waves caress, the shore's gentle beat.

Endless ocean, a sight to behold,
A treasure trove, of secrets yet untold,A place of wonder, where magic reigns,
Where the heart finds peace, and the spirit sustains.

So let me wander, along your shores,And listen to your whispers, evermore,
For in your depths, I find my home,In the endless ocean, where I am never alone."

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