

My teeth is my crown
There's magic in a smile,
That I never knew...
Until I had a recaring tooth ache,
That robbed me of a peaceful sleep,
Sensitive to what it used to be my favorites food...
Ice cream and coffee now made my mouth sensitive,
Left me with no option of what to consume.

There is a magic in smile,
But mine faded away with a toothache,
That sealed my mouth completly...
left me with discomfort and endless pains.
That pushed me to desperately seed treatment.
And landed me in the dentist consultation room.
That I feared to visit.

There is a magic in a smile,
That I never knew,
Until sat in that dental chair,
Forceful unseal my moth for a diagnosis.
And guess what caused the endless tooth ache.. the unproper care of the teeth which is my crown...
Gums swellen,
Carries pulled up...
Poor tooths, they could hold anymore rotten leftover .
So they cried for help,
Begged for a proper care.

There is a magic in a smile,
That I know now,
I learned the painful way.
And now I brush every after food consumption .
Floors every day before bed time.
Go for wash and polishing every after six months..
For that's the rule,
To keep a healthy smile,
And embracing the magic in a smile.

© Chavani Ripfumelo Constacia