

Apex Point
We were not made to be a spectator
We're created for giving & sharing
Our separation is at an apex point!

Here we've always been a reflector
We tell stories of what we are seeing
But indoors is reaching an apex point

Outdoors, in the world, is our pleasure
This taken away we will be aggrieving
Distancing is reaching an apex point!

This feels like it is just a precursor
To something that'll shake our Being
That will waken us to another point!

This maybe about being a perpetuator
Of false illusion of what is human-being
We are a part, not the apex point!

We are apart from an evolving Nature
Because we have elevated our Being -
It's time to realise this isn't the point!

It's about time to be an assessor
To consciously tweek our dreaming
Into an idea that is not pointless...

We have been separated from Creator
We have disconnected from true Life
Now is apt to make this focus the apex !

Indiana 13th May 2020