


Whispering Nature, a tranquil symphony,
Where leaves rustle softly, secrets in harmony.
Birds share their songs, melodies in the air,
Nature's whispers, a serenade beyond compare.

The gentle breeze carries tales untold,
Through towering trees, its whispers unfold.
The rustling grasses, a delicate hush,
Nature's language, in every gentle brush.

In the babbling brooks, stories are shared,
Whispering of journeys, as they meander, unimpaired.
The symphony of insects, buzzing and humming,
Nature's chorus, in perfect rhythm strumming.

Whispering Nature, a source of peace,
Its quiet wisdom, a balm that will never cease.
In its whispers, we find solace and grace,
A reminder of the beauty in every space.
© JosephMk