

Moments fleeting, lost in time
Ephemeral whispers, sublime
Cherish each second, each breath we take
For in their passing, memories we make

In laughter, tears, and all we share
Moments weave the fabric of our care
So let us hold them close and dear
And banish fears, and calm all fear

For time keeps moving, never still
And moments lost, we cannot fulfill
So let us cherish every second's grace
And fill our hearts with love's warm embrace

In every sunrise, every starry night
In every smile, and every loving light
Let us cherish each moment's fleeting breath
And make the most of life's precious depth

Let us not waste a single day
Or let our fears and doubts lead the way
For in the present, we find our strength
And in each moment, a chance to length

Our time on earth, a brief reprieve
A flash of beauty, a moment to believe
So let us cherish every second's might
And fill our lives with love, and pure delight

In every moment, a story unfolds
A chapter in the book of our lives, to be told
So let us cherish each moment's passing page
And fill our hearts with love, and every stage

© Gifted hands