

three hundred sixty five days is given to us,
twenty four hours a day to manage daily routines,
sixty minutes to finish one task and to begin another,
sixty seconds in a minute to cherish every second that counts.
365 days a year, 24 hrs a day, 60 mins in a hour, 60 seconds in a minute...
though living a fulfilling life is not enough,
still searching for something,
we kept on looking,
focusing whats not to use our energy,
now life is so predictable, the living of pathetic egos.
what's hilarious is we kept on arguing,
while we continue destroying, what was only borrowed.
life is not ours for keeps, we only borrowed it with no interest.
when we're done will weigh our own doings,
measuring right and wrong actions,
at the end will realize...
facts are clear we'll return it on the expired date.

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