

Flames of destiny:A Saga of Karna...
In the realm of "Mrityunjay," a story untold,
Lies the saga of Karna, with a heart of gold.
A hero born of fire, yet destined to roam,
Through trials and tribulations, far from home.
With valor in his veins and nobility in his stride,
Karna strides forth, with destiny as his guide.
But fate's cruel hand, with its twists and turns,
Plays havoc with his heart, as the fire burns.
Born into adversity, yet with a spirit so bright,
Karna rises above, a beacon in the night.
But shadows of sorrow, they linger and loom,
A tragic reminder of his destiny's cruel doom.
Betrayed by blood, and forsaken by fate,
Karna stands alone, at life's cruel gate.
Yet in his darkest hour, he finds strength anew,
A warrior undaunted, in skies so blue.
Through the sands of time, his legend lives on,
A symbol of resilience, long after he's gone.
In the hearts of readers, his story remains,
A tale of tragedy, and enduring flames.
So here's to Karna, the hero so bold,
Whose tale of tragedy, forever untold.
In the pages of "Mrityunjay," his spirit will stay,
A testament to courage, in every reader's way...
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