


The future waits on You, the past bid fond adieu,
Never touch anything with half of your heart.
Be present, endlessly loving and compassionately;
As in the dewy rapture of a rose
In a lyric glee of the spring
Tell me what perfect passion glows
In your inspired appreggios?

I realised with mild trepidation,
Why laughter and fear smeared the human minds,
time and fever burn away
all anxious rhymes that catch the soul,
And in coils of universal fate
No man or woman be an isolate.

Over the tranced earth, the sun leaves
she's widowed
With meadows and stirless skies
In autumn clock , the hands fall back
No breath of wind stirs the painted leaves;
this quite saint disguised
Patched with delinquent winds that whine.

NG.2021 🍁