

Let Me Be
Let me be your pen
And I'll write you a million poems
I'll trace the empty lines
To fix your empty heart

Let me be your pencil
And I'll draw you a variety
I'll shade the broken shapes
To mend your broken soul

Let me be your paper
And I'll make you countless of paper rings
I'll keep the heavy thoughts
To release your heavy regrets

Let me be your eraser
And I'll erase your burdening history
I'll get rid of the mindless mistakes
To easen your mindless past

Let me be yours
And I'll fix every part of you
I'll make you feel loved once again
To move on and forward

Let me be your pen
Until all the ink fades
Replace me with another
As I lay empty on the floor

Let me be your pencil
Until the lead breaks bit by bit
Replace me with a new one
As I wait broken on the shelf

Let me be your paper
Until the pages become full
Replace me yet again
As I crumple to a heavy hurl

Let me be your eraser
Until the sides can not be held
Replace me with a better one
As I sacrifice myself to erase those mindless mistakes

Let me be yours
Until you feel loved
Replacing me with another
As I perish slowly, unrecovered

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