

TAKEN ;He came, he saw, he conquered
An Elegy to Jerry John Rawlings

He came, he saw, he conquered.
The moon has put on her red cloth to sob in the night when her children have come beneath her light to merry and to tale.
The sky has frown at dusk to witness the great tragedy. The sun has turn dark in the day to sadly mourn in his tunnel when we want him the most. Now we run into each other in the dark brightness of the moon like the disable in the middle of the road without legs.

Jerry John Rawlings;
A leader of multiple distinction whose sacrifices have coloured colourfully all the countries of our continent has put stones in our watery mouth when we have come to the dining table to enjoy delicacies.
Death, the holder of excrescence pain has ceased our father in the middle of road and mangled him to steer our lungs.
Death, who own the key of sorrows and have the wheel of destruction has indeed be outstandingly a bad foe to us. He has hollow our eyes with a gargantuan pair of scissors and offered us the light to see while he moderately supervises with vexation cudgel of thorns. He has demolish our tongue with a cutlass and offered us to taste the drink of honey.
Papa *J* have been missed. He have been taken away from us.
He came, he saw, he conquered.

Jerry John Rawlings;
He came, he saw, he conquered.
A soldier who fought like a warrior on the battlefield without falling at the base. The fighter who famed the unity of Ghana and brought her on top of the world to preach peace on the the land of Africa. The good militant who traveled on air to spread equally under the handsome bridge of *Adome* and only waters your throat with tanks of unanimous curfew. We mourn you in solidarity, albeit respectively.
Death have carried you away from us.

He came, he saw, he conquered.
A legendary warrior of famous father to a million people. A fountain of vision and the glowing King whose face glowed, regardless of any sadness.
Heartless death have taken him by his arm into the soil.

Father Jerry;
You have won a good win. You have done a good do and have fought a good fight. You have given your soul, in service to humanity.
You have Africa at heart. Your efforts shall forever remain on the lips if Ghanaian.
Your service have proven a blessing which will forever be an engraver in Africa and the world.
Goodbye, goodbye, rest, rest, and rest silently.
What a cramp and a sad way to journey!
Father *J*, take the lead.
*Nantew yiye*.
He came, he saw, he conquered.


© K.Asare-Bediako