

You have changed
You have changed alot
I'm not sure in what way
In your words I feel that
the sweet soul I knew is away
from compassion and upright behaviours

Though I can see the remains,
You and the one I knew are far apart
from more than a few actions
that give me a taste of the past
Good company at all times

I know people change
but I never thought it would be you
sauntering down the street at this time
In the company of behaviours that would have been despised by you
roaming and talking without control

Maybe it's just that
I thought I knew you enough
through the little hangouts and chats
Or maybe from you I expected much
You seem to be rough
and I sense disrespect from afar
So unlike you to intentionally misbehave

I hope this wave passes
and whatever underlying issue is solved
I wouldn't want to loose you because
You have changed alot
I'm not sure in what way

© Fidy♡