

Anger in Summer
Anger in summer is a fever, Lasting forever.
Sweat, trickling down wounded foreheads.
Sweat, struggling in air conditioned rooms.
Some said that girl is hot.
How can they.....?
When the Sun is there,
To nullify their views.
Where is the proof?

Yes, she is hot.
All females are..
Only in the eyes of the vultures on land.
Summer getting hotter...
But why?
Ah! The devils are free.
Devils without compassion..
Demons with lust.

Tender buds are smashed,
Before given a chance to bloom.
The Sun, the sole witness...
He too is hiding,
Right behind those clouds.
Oh! Tears can't be hidden..
Floods will come again.

-Anjali Krishnan

© Anjali Krishnan