

Count Dracula
Count Dracula

Only God knew what went on his mind,
He was a very pale guy with dark black hair like the night sky,
His eyes had countless stars in them, so let’s call him Count,
No one liked him for looking like a malnourished Edward Cullen,
Even I didn’t like him for that look but then I realized that his intellect was beyond his Count Dracula appearance.

We stayed just across from each other but never spoke to one another,
He was shy and timid, so hidden even from cupid’s eye,
I never planned on talking to him even though we rode on the same bus to school,
Soon I had forgotten his existence,
But, perhaps the fates had another plan for both of us.

The next morning he was in my class,
My expression was unreadable when I saw him,
I didn’t want him in my class because we stayed in the same apartment,
Our parents knew each other a little too well,
Therefore, I initially hated him instantly,
Don’t blame me he was also a very arrogant egoist who believed he was always right,
But he was always right.

Don’t know what happened but one day I saw him stare at me with slightly dilated eyes,
As though he was mildly surprised like I sprouted another head, while we were going on the bus,
He didn’t stop staring at me at all, I actually thought I might have sprouted another head unknowingly,
Days passed that way, weeks passed away in a blink of an eye and he would stare at me every single day with the same expression,
I was annoyed but I secretly enjoyed the attention as he was known as an absolute nerd and egoist who had very high standards.
I don’t like men who have an ego, but he never acted like one in front of me or with any of our classmates, everyone thought he was pretty cool as well.

One day my teacher asked me to sit in the seat behind him,
I was hesitant but I went and sat anyway,
He, who was a complete introvert, turned around gave me a minute long stare and said hi,
His friends who sat beside him gasped and said, “Bro, did you just say Hi?”
That was the kind of introvert he was.

On my birthday, my friend, who was like the tomboy of the group gave me birthday bombs,
She got a little too excited and pushed me all of a sudden with such force,
I tripped backwards and fell atop something soft,
I didn’t feel any pain, all of a sudden I heard a groan from behind,
When I looked below me, I saw our count Dracula’s face contorted in awe and pain,
I apologised to him a thousand times and helped him onto his feet,
We had already attracted some snickers and giggles by then,
I slapped my friend in the face for the first time and had to take, Count Dracula to the infirmary.
He didn’t speak to me for almost a week.

One day Count Dracula was given a dare, to rate all the women of the class,
He had given the highest score to me of all people,
I was very angry at his gesture, I had clearly not expected that of him,
After that day the rumours about went crazy.

We still didn’t know that our entire class along with our English teacher thought this and shipped us like we were some Romeo and Juliet,
I wasn’t enjoying, not everything except for his attention,
He had a shrewd sense of humour and was nice to me,
We were both grew closer by the day but not very close, just friends and nothing more.

One day, during lunch, my friend told him,
Told him that what the entire class thought about us,
That he liked me, my heart skipped a beat,
I didn’t think that we were like then but I hadn’t realised until then, she was right,
I didn’t know about him but I had fallen for him.

But he simply got up and left.
The next day he came to school,
His staring was obvious now, But then when I would look at him,
He would smile and I would give him an awkward smile.
My fellow passengers soon noticed and started teasing me from the back.

One day, during lunch, I had bought sandwiches,
He had gone to eat with his friends, I sat with my friend and was having lunch,
I loved my sandwiches and never shared with anyone when I bought them,
He came back in the middle of the lunch with an empty box and started staring at me,
My friend was already snickering at us.

I took a bite off my sandwich and then looked up at him,
That’s when he said, “I am hungry, my friends ate my lunch.”
Then he took the sandwich that was in my hand ate it,
I was so stunned that of all people he took my food I had forgotten to breathe.

“But I bit it, dude,” I said,
“So? Only you bit it, not anyone else, so it’s alright,” He said.
The entire class went quiet as though someone had died.
That day on, every other person would come up ask me about,
How it was going between him and me,
Then entire eighth grade was wagging their tongues,
And all of them were surprised that Count Dracula of all people actually liked someone.

The staring, the attention, the treatment,
Everyone told me that no one else had ever received that kind of treatment,
And he was never like that around any other girl in the apartment or at school, in class,
Something cracked open inside me,
I realised that it was the door to my heart,
He literally broke into my heart all of a sudden.

So when I found out he was going away to another school at the end of the year,
I couldn’t take it, the thought that I wouldn’t see him everyday shattered me,
I never told him about how I felt because I was scared,
He was unpredictable and a very private person.

One day, I told him how I felt,

And he ran away from me like his ass was on fire,
I never saw him after that, it would be fair if I said,
He always hid from me.
I still don’t know why Do you?

@Hilmiya @KingDemon @Lilia8064 @Mr.Baldwinpositive1
@SJNIH2382 @Tanaka..