

hiding cries with smile.....
dedicated to my 🐒🐒🐒🐒sis🙏😅😅😂😂😂
and I am seroious🤫🤫
sis, I will never lose the fun of my
words, don't worry, I need to pass this too... I will come back... as u know I
am stupid, impatient and a chaser of dream.. don't worry, I living

what we are would be revealed
in our Adversaries... 🤒😩🧚‍♀️

what we stand for 🐒
what we believed🤜
what we practiced.. 😍😅😂

would be the one that stands ,
when fear grips our hopes.

and never practice smile
that just covers the smiles...

it may not help you...
you are best sis....

wonderfully creative,
patiently understanding....
amazingly suppourting........

and never allow worries
to rule you...

I never want to hear those...
because the blood that runs in you
reveal the might of your trait..

ever finding new ways......

honor the tribe.....
live the life..........

it my plea to my sis😍😍🧚‍♀️
let the fairies guide you..........
in the troubles that sorround you....

© prolific