

Maya and the Little Brother

In a time long ago, when life was simple, and innocence was pure, lived a wise and friendly cat named ‘Maya’, and his human best friend named ‘Pamela’;

They loved each other very much and spent every moment together as best friends, Maya purred and cuddled with his Pamela every morning, afternoon, evening, and night;

Maya was protective and compassionate, even going to bed just before Pamela to begin warming her chilly bed, on those long cold winter nights;

Life was wonderful between this loving feline and human best friend when they lived together in the very center of America, where respect with kindness were admired;

Pamela's mother and her little brother also lived nearby and would visit Maya and her as time allowed, yet, it was not meant to last forever;

When one sad day required all to make changes in their daily routines, Maya became very hurt when he learned that his Pamela was no longer coming home;

Yet, Maya accepted his destiny with grace, and moved in with his best friend’s mother and her little brother;

Maya had a pure heart and affectionately loved and comforted his best friend’s family, although inside, he always missed his true best human companion friend ~ Miss Pamela;

Everyone, including, ‘Raja’ the Seal Point Siamese, and ‘Tigerus’ the gray American Tabby, accepted their new silky black Bombay cat friend named Maya…

Pamela & Maya ~ Rest In Peace

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