

The Wordsmith
Let's play some unknown words
What poets could ever think of
A creative mindset to reflect
From mistakes cannot be

I sat upon my typewriter
Thinking about you
What have I done
To get you out
By my side.

There's a danger of adoring you
Too much affection, tenderness
To show. I'm feeling so close
Closer to crevasse that convoys
Me, into the deepest shallows

Of sorrows that I did
Encounter because of you
Learning how life goes on
Without you, now I can be
An independent person.

I am very thankful for
The things who truly matters
Made my soul even clearer
From illusions of reality remains.
Chaotic minds to grapple with

More than you could knew
This moment I wrote for you
Is a remarkable herb can cure
Your brokenhearted nature
Unless you change your ways,

Wouldn't you agree
How poets express thoroughly
Deep in my esophagus and aorta
I carry the energy in my blood.
Hope, enjoy the rest of your days.

The harder you schlep shop,
The harder you get into weirdest
Part---time after time, jobs still a job
I understand you're feeling blue
Shivering but splendid.

Naysayers often open chassis
Don't mind them. Justification
Vaguely indefinable, like torn discs
Repeatedly hanging throughout
Contemplation recently.

All poets share from society
Dozens of ideas, stories to be told
Voicing out the door to unlock
Limitless, bazillon, incomparable
Worthsmiths are there, type your bet.

