

Those days long forgone
are like new-born memories,
making love with my fantasies
on the planes of my latter days.

I remember how we met
on a cold eerie night
amid my quizzical twist.
For a moment, I lost touch
with the world.

My camouflaged feelings
stood naked in awe of his feigned love
My emotions swindled
by his lovable plea.
I fell, hard and deep.

Hypnotised by tons of deceptive words
Blindly, I chimed to his rhythm.
Frozen by the streams of pleasure
I had seen in his eyes
Hastily, I dived into his arms.

Sparkles of ecstasy
brightened every dark moment.
My skin pierced by his erotic ventures.
Swayed by his awry warmth
I gave him my all.

Now, gazing out from the terrace
where he last held me,
I reminisce about
my lovelorn romance,
how I am jilted without my breath.
