

The Tale of Yunus ( Jonah )
There was a time, a tale was told,

A prophet whose faith, like others was bold.

Yunus was his name, chosen by fate,

Revealed to him, was the message to heaven's gate.

From a land of the people he did arise,

Sent by the mighty Allah, with a message wise.

“ Repent and turn from your wicked ways,

Or face the wrath of the upcoming days.”

But people loved the immediate and neglected the hereafter,

Mocking his message, and taunted him with laughter.

Disheartened, he wandered away,

believing he could not bring back those who went astray.

Allah almighty,with his infinite grace,

Heard the mourns from the holy space .

The sea was commanded to engulf,

Yunus, in the depths of whales bulge.

Nights turned to days and days turned to nights,

Yunus sought repentance to turns on the lights.

In the inifnite darkness he sought repentance,

Recognising the most merciful's omnipresence.

After nights, the whale was commanded to release,

Yunus, unharmed, felt holy peace.

He returned to his people , forgiven and wise,

Preached the message of Islam, so that their souls shall rise .

The people, amazed by his living sign,

Listened to the message, so that their life shall align.

They turned to Al Kabir( the greatest), seeking his embrace,

Repenting for their sins, seeking shelter in his grace.

Let us remember, in times of distress,

Yunus's (A.S) story, which never fails to impress.

In life's trials, when all hope is gone,

The mercy of Allah awaits, to guide us along.

© Mohammed yusuf