

when I go home tomorrow
When I go home tomorrow,there won’t be broken bottles,
laying around on the floor,out in the open,
waiting for flesh to tear and wounds to reopen.
There won’t be sword piercing tongues speaking harsh lies,
or truth or empty words, no screams or shouts or voice swallowing arguements over smallest things.
And through the weebly knees and feeble minds will be kindness,
then I’ll kiss my mother and this time she won’t push me away.
her stomach is no longer filled with anger
she earned from my father
I’ll take her hand and she’ll let me,
she’ll no longer hate my name
Maybe finally she’ll accept me for what I became,
she’ll look me in the eyes with affection,
she knows now, that I never had a choice
for I did not choose the man she had chose to love
and my mind shall finally be at peace.
© dorcas