

I was hurt. I was hurt more because you did not care that I was hurting. Your ignorance made my pain worse. Even in my darkest moments, I used to remember you that you will come to me with a flash of light. But you did not. I waited and waited. I gave us too many chances for you to redeem yourself. But you, you just did not care. I dealt with everything on my own. I cried. I screamed. I felt helpless. But I did not go to you begging. How could I? I thought you cared about me. I thought I meant something to you. I thought you would force me to open up to you. I kept hanging onto that hope, week after week. But your time did not come. In fact, time changed you. You changed. Your words changed. Your promises changed. And do you know the worst part? I stayed the same, the same idiot who believed every word that came out of your innocent mouth.. I did more than I have ever done for anyone.

Have you ever felt like crying, and crying so hard, with so much soul, that you pray in your subconscious that your screams will somehow reach that one person? Have you ever been so stupid and helpless in pain? I have been. I thought maybe if I make myself a little more miserable, then you will come to me. You will come to me running that I am here now. I will make everything alright. I longed for that hug from you. I prayed for you to hold my hand. And you? You were living your normal life, posting every kind of thing online. Did I ever come to your mind? That hey, this human might be totally heartbroken without me. Maybe I should check, at least for the sake of all that this person has done for me. How can you not even think like that even once? You, you, you say you care about me? Where the hell were you when I needed you? No. Tell me this. Where the hell were you when I needed you the most? Just, just, just stay away now, forever. You have broken my heart too many times, but this time, my soul has given up on you.