

love song
He strokes my body
as if he were fingering the keys
of a piano
Strums my strings
until a slow low beat Drippsss
from base to stem
Touching me in places
that only a well versed man can
He Guides me slowly
down dark sensual paths of ecstasy
Silently i melt into a pool of wetness
As i drown in my own juices
Humbly and submissively
I give myself unto his Manhood
And allow his soul to merge with mine
As I
Become WOMAN
No longer just a simple bud
now i stand full blossem and pettel open
Aware of the power that my sexuality holds
And empowered by the power that my sexuality Brings
I find my self WANTING
More soft touch
more lips on lips
More exploration of body
more hands on hips
Only his heart beats to my hearts rhythm
Like a fusion of dope lyrics over tight beats
A collaboration of infinite possibilities
And a love song shared
between only him
and me....
© seven22