

I'm single and serene, no strings to tie,
A peaceful existence, no drama to deny.
My room is my sanctuary, where I reside,
With my pillow and I, a perfect companion inside.

I revel in the freedom from worry's weight,
No dependencies to bind me to fate.
My singleness is a reflection of my pride,
A badge of honor, where I take my stride.

My second love is food, a culinary delight,
A comfort that never fails to ignite.
And writing's my solace, where my thoughts unfold,
A creative outlet that makes my heart enfold.

In this sweet single life, I find my peace,
No heartbreak's sting, no relationship's release.
My pillow, my words, and my faith are all I need,
A trifecta of joys that make my heart proceed.

This life of mine, I celebrate with glee,
No apologies, no regrets, just pure ecstasy.
For being single, for being me,
Is the greatest achievement I could ever be.

© princybabe