

I miss the smiles

I remember walking down the aisle

I sure won't forget in a while...

Everything we did together.

The early morning jogging

The days spent talking, laughing and eating

The late night movies that always led to cuddles

Days when I couldn't think of anything else but you, “I can't afford to lose you” I'd always said.

Beautiful and sweet, the one my heart lies with

The king of my soul, mine!

Not a day has passed without me thinking of you

There used to be a time when my toes curled at the thought of you

Now, all I feel is a tight knot in my tummy and pangs of pain in my chest.

Why did it have to be you?

Why did it have to be me?

Why did it have to be us?

Why did the universe choose to turn its back on us when we needed it most?

Why did Aphrodite watch us with folded arms?

Why did we not know that the ‘us’ we knew would be so short-lived?

I was listening, but couldn't hear

I could hear but I didn't comprehend it

It was clear enough but I didn't want to believe it

I prayed in my heart that they didn't see it right

I thought it was all an expensive joke

I dreamt of you coming back to me, hugging me tightly and never leaving me again!

Death is no respecter of persons, they say

I finally believe this

Because if it were, it would never have had the thought of meeting you

It would have cowered at the sight of us

It would have drowned in the sweet juices of our love!

I weep for a lost soul

I weep for a spouse

I weep for a marred story

I weep for what we could have been

I weep for all the plans we had together

I weep for Alexis, Joan and Kelvin, for they never will be...

I weep for my scarred heart!

I shed tears for you, my love

For I am Broken and never to be Repaired!

© Escritora Missie