

I am the waves that come crashing into the rocks,
Then ebbing away into oblivion.
I am that which has no end, no beginning
I am the weak, yet most powerful in my nonexistence.
I do not feel the regret of some,
Nor do I feel the loneliness of others.
My self-worth is valued in the time of the fortunate, the unsuppressed
Yet, in every memory of remembrance,
Is the ever perpetuating myths
Creating a paradoxical life that is perfect
In the dreams of illusions.
And with the realism of the truth,
comes the certainties of our predicament.
I am the whispers of eternity, echoing through the sands of time,
resonating in the hearts of dreamers, weaving through the fabric of existence.
I am the echoes of whispers, dancing with shadows in the tapestry of dreams.

I am the waves that come crashing in....

© Anniemiles15