

hard to explain.
Always got worse,
my life's common theme.
Dare I say it was,
but a mere dream,
to find freedom
from ones' fiends,
that something, anything!
would please intervene!

Mind, body, and spirit,
fading fast.
Self will running the show,
a void so vast.
The day came for change,
I wouldn't see it coming,
That'd be kinda strange.
Not sure how you see your own fate,
This moment is just a mere date.

Got caught,
red handed,
behold all the glory!
Exposed the past,
messy and gory.
Finally gone,
the extra weight,
It kept me withdrawn,
Oh so long,
that feeling of being unwanted,
So very strong,
a place I 'fit in'
that I never knew,
I needed to belong.

The voice in my head
will tell me otherwise,
as for today tho,
I have a fight within and
by my side allies.
Not even an idea
ever thought plausible,
the person I strive to
be is possible.

Perception, reflection, who knew,
sounds so simple,
almost too good to be true.
Putting in the action,
consumes my time,
but I'll take it over and over,
living life on the grime.
Looks can deceive,
Stay open minded,
For those things greater
than self to achieve.