Brief Chronicle of Loss and Love
My Aabo! In your youthful grace, you stand too fair,
Yet I see pain and sorrow in each of your stares.
Your body is fragile and your spirit is subdued deep,
In silent agony, I know for countless nights you weep.
My Aabo! Hold your drops now, isn't your lad here?
To embrace and buffer you whenever you face malice, and fear.
My Aabo! I am your silent guardian and doting boy,
Yet I see pain and sorrow in each of your stares.
Your body is fragile and your spirit is subdued deep,
In silent agony, I know for countless nights you weep.
My Aabo! Hold your drops now, isn't your lad here?
To embrace and buffer you whenever you face malice, and fear.
My Aabo! I am your silent guardian and doting boy,