

The days of slate and chalk
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit
The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
of my childhood,
prayers at the start of schooling,
standing at the end of the line,
naughty eyes, peeking in and around the ground, waiting for it to end soon.

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
the memories of playing in the rain,
drenched dress not bothered about the illness gave rise to enormous elation,
that journey of recreation still prevails in.

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
filled with enormous energy,
together with friends, trekked
deep inside a jungle,
in search of dates and kendu fruits,
restored with a sensational experience.

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
had a longing, to wear a full pant,
as I ushered in middle school,
the long wait got fulfilled,
fuelled emotions put us on the top of cloud nine.

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
going in a school bus,
journey time of half an hour,
beforehand plan and struggle to pick up the window seat
used to give us a thriller closing at the end of the day,
still echoes those Halla Gulla in the mind.

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase.

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