

Father's Day father's love
As I look back on my childhood days,
I recall the love my father gave in countless ways.
He would work hard from dawn till dawn,
just to make sure our family was never in want.

With a worn-out smile and eyes full of care,
He would hold our small hands and guide us everywhere.
Each day he would provide a sense of security,
Never letting us feel the weight of life's uncertainty.

He taught me to ride my bike and fly my kite,
To take the bull by the horns and stand up and fight.
With a watchful eye, he would guide me in the right direction,
always offering words of motivation and affection.

Through all of my struggles and moments of self-doubt,
My father's love always helped me to figure things out.
He was my shelter from the storm, my beacon of hope,
Helping me navigate life's ups and downs as I learned and grew.

Years passed by, and I grew up and moved away,
But my father's influence in my life never went astray.
Even in his silence, his love and guidance remained,
Cherished memories that shall always be ingrained.

So today, on this special day, I pause to celebrate,
The love of my father that carried me to this fortunate fate.
For his unwavering support, his unwavering care,
I am forever grateful and will always hold it dear.

For a father's love is a bond that can never be broken,
A love that never fades, only grows stronger as time passes by.
And though he may no longer be with me now,
I feel his love and know that he remains, my comforting Elysium.

So here's to the countless fathers who through the ages,
Have provided unconditional love throughout life's stages.
To the ones who have shown us how to be strong,
To the ones whose love will forever be our song.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there,
Whose love guides us and supports us with unwavering care.
And to my dear father who lives in my heart,
Thank you for your love, and may we never be apart.