

I am not Me
My name lay burnt
on brittle paper
My achievements beam,
Everyone seems to be clapping.

I sip on champagne,
for I have checked out,
Blasting off on the next plane,
I'm leaving to go south.

My jaw clenches,
Teeth grinds,
I hope no one here can read my mind
Maybe a small smile will suffice.

I am here. I am here.
I hope no one can see, how my life
force has just left the party.
So I nibble a straw to catch a breath,
hopefully it brings me back to reality.

Now they lay gold on me,
but I feel nothing.
They scribble words on me
and I see nothing.

I rise to stand before a mirror
And even my reflection has left the scene.

A pawn moves back into its seat
I linger above
Watching them all celebrate me.
© JKeMac