

Silly heart'
Once upon a time, in a world so peculiar,
There lived a girl, unique and particular.
She longed for love, yet feared its embrace,
A paradoxical heart, in a perplexing space.

She dreamed of someone to care and adore,
But when they got close, she'd run for the door.
Romantic words made her cringe and retreat,
Her heart yearned for love, but her mind hit delete.

She sought solace in books, with their tales so sweet,
Where "happily ever afters" would always meet.
But when reality approached, she'd shy away,
Saying, "These boys nowadays, no manners, I say!"

She's a beautiful mystery, this girl so strange,
Yearning for love, but from a distance, she'd arrange.
She wants to be seen, cherished, and heard,
But fears vulnerability, like a flightless bird.

So let her be, in her whimsical way,
For love will find her, come what may.
In the meantime, she'll dance to her own tune,
Embracing her quirks, under the enchanting moon.

You're wonderfully unique, my dear,
Embrace your contradictions, let your spirit ascend without a fear.
Love will come when the time is right,
Until then, keep shining, like a star in the night.

© bably