

Secret Love
Whenever I look into your eyes
My heart was filled with sadness
Knowing you are here
But in reality you're not mine
This borrowed time we had won't last long
Please don't remind me that this love was wrong

There's so much I could take than being in love with you
Today, what we have is all I could live for
I don't want to be awaken from this dream
For tomorrow I might not see your face

This feeling might passed
Your memories will fade
And someday you will be forgotten
So, while I still have you
I'll love you as much as I could
In time your heart will go back to where it belong
Someone whom you promised forever
But it wasn't me all along

I wouldn't bothered asking why
I know it is not for me to stay
Not even destined for me to keep
If I had a chance I'll go the other way
I would rather give my heart to someone
Who can be with me freely
