

I've Missed My Heart.
I've missed you,
It has been months you left and it seems like centuries.
I've missed everything about you,
You can never disappear completely.
I've missed your words,
The words in a language only I can understand.
I've missed your face,
Those rear smiled that melt all imagination and turn it into reality.
Those eyes can not be forgotten, looking through my eyes to know what's beneath.
Those lips that soft and gentle words comes from to motivate and to make one not deaf but to yearn for more words.
I've missed my heart,
It was the only thing I had to be mine permanently but it abandoned me because it followed you when you left.
You didn't look back to see what you were dragging along with you.
You have still not bothered to look back and see a bleeding heart on the floor.
I have missed my heart, I just want you to bring it back to me.
© Mariposa NES